Aurélie CIUTAT Expertise / Responsabilité bioturbation, écologie benthique
Publications Jackson-Bue M., Brito A.C., Cabral S., Carss D.N., Carvalho F., Chainho P., Ciutat A., Counago Sanchez E., de Montaudouin X., Fernandez Otero R.M., Incera Filgueira M., Fitch A., Garbutt A., Goedknegt M.A., Lynch S.A., Mahony K.E., Maire O., Malham S.K., Orvain F., Rocroy M., van der Schatte Olivier A., Jones L. (2022) Inter-country differences in the cultural ecosystem services provided by cockles, People and Nature, 4(1), 71-87, doi: 10.1002/pan3.10252.
Bernard G., Kauppi L., Lavesque N., Ciutat A., Gremare A., Masse C., Maire O. (2020) An invasive mussel (Arcuatula senhousia, Benson 1842) interacts with resident biota in controlling benthic ecosystem functioning, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(1)2, 1-18., doi: 10.3390/jmse8120963.
Carss D. N., Brito A. C., Chainho P., Ciutat A., de Montaudouin X., Fernandez Otero R. M., Filgueira M. I., Garbutt A., Goedknegt M.A., Lynch S.A., Mahony K.E., Maire O., Malham S.K., Orvain F., van der Schatte Olivier A., Jones L. (2020) Ecosystem services provided by a non-cultured shellfish species: The common cockle Cerastoderma edule, Marine Environmental Research, 158, doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104931.
Masse C., Garabetian F., Deflandre B., Maire O., Costes L., Mesmer-Dudons N., Duchene J.C., Bernard G., Gremare A., Ciutat A. (2019) Feeding ethology and surface sediment reworking by the ampharetid polychaete Melinna palmata Grube, 1870: Effects on sediment characteristics and aerobic bacterial community composition, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 512, 63-77, doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2018.12.009.
Proenca B., Nez T., Poli A., Ciutat A., Devaux L., Sottolichio A., de Montaudouin X., Michalet R. (2019) Intraspecific facilitation explains the spread of the invasive engineer Spartina anglica in Atlantic salt marshes, Journal of Vegetation Science, 30, 212-223, doi: 10.1111/jvs.12720.
Dairain A., de Montaudouin X., Gonzalez P., Ciutat A., Baudrimont M., Maire O., Legeay A. (2018) Do trace metal contamination and parasitism influence the activities of the bioturbating mud shrimp Upogebia cf. pusilla?, Aquatic Toxicology, 204, 46-58, doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.05.019.
Dairain A., de Montaudouin X., Gonzalez P., Ciutat A., Baudrimont M., Maire O., Gourves P.Y., Daffe G., Legeay A. (2018) Influence of the bioturbator Upogebia cf. pusilla on trace metal remobilization: Does parasitism matter?, Marine Environmental Research, 139, 87-98, doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.05.014.
Bernard G., Duchene J.C., Romero-Ramirez A., Lecroart P., Maire O., Ciutat A., Deflandre B., Gremare A. (2016) Experimental assessment of the effects of temperature and food availability on particle mixing by the bivalve Abra alba using new image analysis techniques, PLoS ONE, 11(4), e0154270, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154270.
Dedeh A., Ciutat A., Lecroart P., Treguer-Delapierre M., Bourdineaud J.P. (2016) Cadmium sulfide nanoparticles trigger DNA alterations and modify the bioturbation activity of tubificidae worms exposed through the sediment, Nanotoxicology, 10, 322-331, doi: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1071444.
Masse C., Meisterhans G., Deflandre B., Bachelet G., Bourrasseau L., Bichon S., Ciutat A., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Lavesque N. Raymond N., Gremare A., Garabetian F. (2016) Bacterial and macrofaunal communities in the sediments of the West Gironde Mud Patch, Bay of Biscay (France), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 179, 189-200, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.01.011.
Tran D., Ciutat A., Mat A., Massabuau J.C., Hegaret H., Lambert C., Le Goic N., Soudant P. (2015) The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum disrupts daily rhythmic activities at gene transcription, physiological and behavioral levels in the oyster Crassostrea gigas, Aquatic Toxicology, 158, 41-49, doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2014.10.023.
Bernard G., Delgard M.L., Maire O., Ciutat A., Lecroart P., Deflandre B., Duchene J.C., Gremare A. (2014) Comparative study of sediment particle mixing in a Zostera noltei meadow and a bare sediment mudflat, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 514, 71-86, doi: 10.3354/meps10961.
Dedeh A., Ciutat A. , Tran D. , Bourdineaud J.P. (2014) DNA alterations triggered by environmentally relevant polymetallic concentrations in marine Clams Ruditapes philippinarum and polychaete worms Hediste diversicolor , Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 67, 651-658, doi: 10.1007/s00244-014-0059-x.
Dedeh A., Ciutat A., Treguer-Delapierre M., Bourdineaud J.P. (2014) Impact of gold nanoparticles on zebrafish exposed to a spiked sediment, Nanotoxicology, doi: 10.3109/17435390.2014.889238.
Anschutz P., Ciutat A., Lecroart P., Gerino M., Boudou A. (2012) Effects of Tubificid worm bioturbation on freshwater sediment biogeochemistry, Aquatic Geochemistry, 18, 475-497.
Beauchard O., Ciutat A., Gerino M., Munoz T., Jacobs S., Tackx M., Stora G., Meire P. (2012) Spatiotemporal bioturbation patterns in a tidal freshwater marsh, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 96, 159-169.
Bernard G., Gremare A., Maire O., Lecroart P., Meysman F., Ciutat A., Deflandre B., Duchene J.C. (2012) Experimental assessment of particle mixing fingerprints in the deposit-feeding bivalve Abra alba (Wood) , Journal of Marine Research , 70, 689-718, doi: 10.1357/002224012806290705.
Ciutat A., Gerino M., Boudou A. (2007) Remobilisation and bioavailability of cadmium from historically contaminated sediments. Influence of tubificids bioturbation, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 68, 108-117.
Ciutat A., Widdows J., Pope N.D. (2007) Effect of Cerastoderma edule density on near-bed hydrodynamics and stability of cohesive muddy sediments., Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 346, 114-126.
Delmotte S., Meysman F.J.R., Ciutat A., Boudou A., Sauvage S., Gerino M. (2007) Cadmium transport in sediments by tubificid bioturbation: an assessment of model complexity, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 844-862.
Ciutat A.,Weber O., Gerino M., Boudou A. (2006) Stratigraphic effects of Tubificids in freshwater sediments: a kinetic study based on X-Ray images and grain-size analysis, Acta Oecologica, 30, 228-237.
Ciutat A., Widdows J., Readman J.W. (2006) Influence of cockle Cerastoderma edule bioturbation and tidal-current cycles on resuspension of sediment and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 328, 51-64.
Ciutat A., Anschutz P., Gerino M., Boudou A. (2005) Bioturbation effects by Tubificids worms on cadmium transfers from the water column to the sediments compartment, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24, 1048-1058.
Ciutat A., Gerino M., Mesmer-Dudons N., Anschutz P., Boudou A. (2005) Cadmium bioaccumulation in Tubificidae from the water column source and effects on bioturbation activity, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 60, 237-246.
Ciutat A., Boudou A. (2003) Bioturbation effects on cadmium and zinc transfers from a contaminated sediment and on metal bioavailability to benthic bivalves, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22, 1574-1581.
Tran D., Ciret P., Ciutat A., Durrieu G., Massabuau J.C. (2003) Potential and limits of bivalve closure response to detect contaminants : a new approach applied to cadmium, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22, 914-920.