Bertrand LUBAC Expertise / Responsabilities radiométrie de la couleur de l'océan, télédétection, transfert radiatif, optique marine
Activities Radiométrie de la couleur de l'océan, télédétection, transfert radiatif, optique marine. Application à la caractérisation des particules marines en suspension, à l'étude de la morphodynamique en milieux côtiers et estuariens.
Publications Laporte-Fauret Q., Lubac B., Castelle B., Michalet R., Marieu V., Bombrun L., Launeau P., Giraud M., Normandin C., Rosebery D. (2020) Classification of atlantic coastal sand dune vegetation using in situ, UAV, and airborne hyperspectral data, Remote Sensing, 12(14), doi: 10.3390/rs12142222.
Castelle B., Laporte-Fauret Q., Marieu V., Michalet R., Rosebery D., Bujan S., Lubac B., Besnard J.B., Valence A., Dupont P., Oud Al Moctar A., Narteau C. (2019) Nature-based solution along high-energy eroding sandy coasts: Preliminary tests on the reinstatement of natural dynamics in reprofiled coastal dunes in southwest France, Water, 11, 2518, doi: 10.3390/w11122518.
Normandin C., Lubac B., Sottolichio A., Frappart F., Ygorra B., Marieu V. (2019) Analysis of suspended sediment variability in a large highly turbid estuary using a 5-year-long remotely sensed data archive at high resolution, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 124(11), 7661-7682, doi: 10.1029/2019JC015417.
Proenca B., Frappart F., Lubac B., Marieu V., Ygorra B., Bombrun L., Michalet R., Sottolichio A. (2019) Potential of high-resolution Pléiades imagery to monitor salt marsh evolution after Spartina invasion, Remote Sensing, 11, 968, doi: 10.3390/rs11080968.
Salameh E., Frappart F., Almar R., Baptista P., Heygster G., Lubac B., Raucoules D., Almeida L.P., Bergsma E.W.J., Capo S., De Michele M.D., Idier D., Li Z., Marieu V., Poupardin A., Silva P.A., Turki I., Laignel B. (2019) Monitoring beach topography and nearshore bathymetry using spaceborne remote sensing: A review, Remote Sensing, 11(19), 2212, doi: 10.3390/rs11192212.
Frappart F., Biancamaria S., Normandin C., Blarel F., Bourrel L., Aumont M., Azemar P., Vu P.L., Le Toan T., Lubac B., Darrozes J. (2018) Influence of recent climatic events on the surface water storage of the Tonle Sap Lake, Science of the Total Environment, 636, 1520-1533, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.326.
Lubac B. (2018) Monitoring coastal bathymetry using multispectral satellite images at high spatial resolution, QGIS and Applications in Water and Risks, 4, 1-33., doi: 10.1002/9781119476726.ch1.
Normandin C., Frappart F., Lubac B., Belanger S., Marieu V., Blarel F., Robinet A., Guiastrennec-Faugas L. (2018) Quantification of surface water volume changes in the Mackenzie Delta using satellite multi-mission data, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 1543-4561, doi: 10.5194/hess-22-1543-2018.
Normandin C., Frappart F., Diepkile A.T., Marieu V., Mougin E., Blarel F., Lubac B., Braquet N., Ba A. (2018) Evolution of the Performances of Radar Altimetry Missions from ERS-2 to Sentinel-3A over the Inner Niger Delta, Remote Sensing, 10, 833, doi: 10.3390/rs10060833.
Bru D., Lubac B., Normandin C., Robinet A., Leconte M., Hagolle O., Martiny N, Jamet C. (2017) Atmospheric correction of multi-spectral littoral images using a PHOTONS/AERONET-based regional aerosol model, Remote Sensing, 9, 814, doi: 10.3390/rs9080814.
Novoa S., Doxaran D., Ody A., Vanhellemont Q., Lafon V., Lubac B., Gernez P. (2017) Atmospheric corrections and multi-conditional algorithm for multi-sensor remote sensing of suspended particulate matter in low-to-high turbidity levels coastal waters, Remote Sensing, 9, 61, doi: 10.3390/rs9010061.
Gernez P., Lafon V., Lerouxel A., Curti C., Lubac B., Cerisier S., Barille L. (2015) Toward Sentinel-2 high resolution remote sensing of suspended sarticulate matter in very turbid waters: SPOT4 (Take5) experiment in the Loire and Gironde estuaries, Remote Sensing, 7, 9507-9528, doi: 10.3390/rs70809507.
Capo S., Lubac B., Marieu V., Robinet A., Bru D., Bonneton P. (2014) Assessment of the decadal morphodynamic evolution of a mixed energy inlet using ocean color remote sensing, Ocean Dynamics, 64, 1517-1530, doi: 10.1007/s10236-014-0762-1.
Lee Z., Du K., Voss K.J., Zibordi G., Lubac B., Arnone R., Weidemann A. (2011) An inherent-optical-property-centered approach to correct the angular effects in water-leaving radiance, Applied Optics, 50, 3155-3167.
Lee Z., Lance V.P., Shang S., Vaillancourt R., Freeman S., Lubac B., Hargreaves B.R., Del Castillo C., Miller R., Twardowski M., We G. (2011) An assessment of optical properties and primary production derived from remote sensing in the Southern Ocean (SO GasEx), Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 116, C00F03.
Lee Z., Arnone R., Hu C., Werdell J., Lubac B. (2010) Uncertainties abd their propagations in the retrieval of inherent optical properties from remote sensing reflectance, Applied Optics, 49, 369-381.
Lee Z., Shang S., Hu C., Lewis M., Arnone R., Li Y., Lubac B. (2010) Time series of optical properties in a subtropical gyre and its implications to dynamics of biogeochemical properties, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 115, C09012, doi: 10.1029/2009JC005865.
Loisel H., Lubac B., Dessailly D., Duforet-Gaurier L., Vantrepotte V. (2010) Effect of inherent optical properties variability on the chlorophyll retrieval from ocean color remote sensing: an in situ approach, Optics Express, 18, 20949-20959.
Loisel H., Meriaux X., Poteau A., Artigas F., Lubac B., Gardel A., Caillaud J., Lesourd S. (2009) Analyze of the inherent optical properties of French Guiana coastal waters for remote sensing applications, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 1532-1536.
Lubac B., Loisel H., Guiselin N., Astoreca R., Meriaux X., Artigas F. (2008) Hyperspectral and multispectral ocean color inversions to detect Phaeocystis globosa in coastal waters, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 113, C06026, doi: 10.1029/2007JC004451.
Lubac B., Loisel H. (2007) Variability and classification of remote sensing reflectance spectra in the eastern English Channel and southern North Sea, Remote Sensing of Environment, 110, 45-58.