Edith PARLANTI Expertise / Responsabilities Chimie de l'environnement, chimie analytique, spectroscopie optique, nano-séparation, matière organique dissoute/colloïdale
Publications Ouedraogo F., Cornu J.Y., Janot N., Nguyen C., Sourzac M., Parlanti E., Denaix L. (2022) Do DOM optical parameters improve the prediction of copper availability in vineyard soils?, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 29268-29284, doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-16361-5.
Morin S., Coquille N., Eon M., Budzinski H., Parlanti E., Stachowski-Haberkorn S. (2021) Dissolved organic matter modulates the impact of herbicides on a freshwater alga: A laboratory study of a three-way interaction, Science of the Total Environment, 782, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146881.
Palma D., Parlanti E., Sourzac M., Voldoire O., Beauger A., Sleiman M., Richard C. (2021) Fluorescence analysis allows to predict the oxidative capacity of humic quinones in dissolved organic matter: implication for pollutant degradation, Environmental Chemistry Letters, 19(2), 1857-1863, doi: 10.1007/s10311-020-01137-z.
Varrault G., Parlanti E., Matar Z., Garnier J., Nguyen P.T., Derenne S., Rocher V., Muresan B., Louis Y., Soares-Pereira C., Goffin A., Benedetti M.F., Bressy A., Gelabert A., Guo Y., Cordier M.A. (2021) Aquatic organic matter in the Seine Basin: Sources, spatio-temporal variability, impact of urban discharges and influence on micro-pollutant speciation, In: Flipo N., Labadie P., Lestel L. (eds) The Seine River Basin. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, vol 90. Springer, Cham., 217-242, doi: 10.1007/698_2019_383.
Palma D., Sleiman M., Voldoire O., Beauger A., Parlanti E., Richard C. (2020) Study of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) of the Auzon cut-off meander (Allier River, France) by spectral and photoreactivity approaches, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(21), 26385-26394, doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-09005-7.
Thibault A., Derenne S., Parlanti E., Anquetil C., Sourzac M., Budzinski H., Fuster L., Laverman A., Roose-Amsaleg C., Viollier E., Huguet A. (2019) Dynamics of organic matter in the Seine Estuary (France): Bulk and structural approaches, Marine Chemistry, 212, 108-119, doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2019.04.007.
Coquille N., Menard D., Rouxel J., Dupraz V., Eon M., Pardon P., Budzinski H., Morin S., Parlanti E., Stachowski-Haberkorn S. (2018) The influence of natural dissolved organic matter on herbicide toxicity to marine microalgae is species-dependent, Aquatic Toxicology, 198, 103-117, doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.02.019.
Coelho C. Parot J., Gonsior M., Nikolantonaki M., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Parlanti E., Gougeon R.D. (2017) Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation of white wine chromophoric colloidal matter, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 409, 2757-2766, doi: 10.1007/s00216-017-0221-1.
de Perre C., Le Menach K., Ibalot F., Parlanti E., Budzinski H. (2014) Development of solid-phase microextraction to study dissolved organic matter-Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon interactions in aquatic environment, Analytica Chimica Acta, 807, 51-60, doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2013.11.026.
Halim M., Spaccini R., Parlanti E., Amezghal A., Piccolo A. (2013) Differences in fluorescence properties between humic acid and its size fractions separated by preparative HPSEC, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 129, 23-27.
Masson M., Blanc B., Schafer J., Parlanti E., Le Coustumer P. (2011) Copper addition by organic matter degradation in the freshwater reaches of a turbid estuary, Science of the Total Environment, 409, 1539-1549.
Huguet A., Vacher L., Saubusse S., Etcheber H., Abril G., Relexans S., Ibalot F., Parlanti E. (2010) New insights into the size distribution of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in estuarine waters, Organic Geochemistry, 41, 595-610.
Huguet A., Roux-De Balmann H., Parlanti E. (2009) Fluorescence spectroscopy applied to the optimisation of a desalting step by electrodialysis for the characterisation of marine organic matter, Journal of Membrane Science, 326, 186-196.
Huguet A., Vacher L., Relexans S., Saubusse S., Froidefond J.M., Parlanti E. (2009) Properties of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the Gironde Estuary, Organic Geochemistry, 40, 706-719.
Sierra M.M.D., Giovanela M., Parlanti E., Soriano-Sierra E.J. (2006) 3D-fluorescence spectroscopic analysis of HPLC fractionated estuarine fulvic and humic acids, Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society, 17, 113-124.
Sierra M.M.D., Giovanela M., Parlanti E., Esteves V.I., Duarte A.C., Fransozo A., Soriano-Sierra E.J. (2005) Structural description of humic substances from subtropical coastal environments using elemental analysis, FT-IR and 13C-Solid State NMR, Journal of Coastal Research, 42, 370-382.
Sierra M.M.D., Giovanela M., Parlanti E., Soriano-Sierra E.J. (2005) Fluorescence fingerprint of fulvic and humic acids from varied origins as viewed by single-scan and excitation/emission matrix techniques, Chemosphere, 58, 715-733.