Laurence COSTES Expertise / Responsabilities biochemical analysis
Publications Lheureux A., David V., Del Amo Y., Soudant D., Auby I., Ganthy F., Blanchet H., Cordier M.A., Costes L., Ferreira S., Mornet L., Nowaczyk A., Parra M., D'Amico F., Gouriou L., Meteigner C., Oger-Jeanneret H., Rigouin L., Rumebe M., Tournaire M.P., Trut F., Trut G., Savoye N. (2022) Bi-decadal changes in nutrient concentrations and ratios in marine coastal ecosystems: The case of the Arcachon bay, France, Progress in Oceanography, 201, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102740.
Lienart C., Savoye N., Conan P., David V., Barbier P., Bichon S., Charlier K., Costes L., Derriennic H., Ferreira S., Gueux A., Hubas C., Maria E., Meziane T. (2020) Relationship between bacterial compartment and particulate organic matter (POM) in coastal systems: An assessment using fatty acids and stable isotopes, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 239, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106720.
Masse C., Garabetian F., Deflandre B., Maire O., Costes L., Mesmer-Dudons N., Duchene J.C., Bernard G., Gremare A., Ciutat A. (2019) Feeding ethology and surface sediment reworking by the ampharetid polychaete Melinna palmata Grube, 1870: Effects on sediment characteristics and aerobic bacterial community composition, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 512, 63-77, doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2018.12.009.
Lienart C., Savoye N., David V., Ramond P., Rodriguez Tress P., Hanquiez V., Marieu V., Aubert F., Aubin S., Bichon S., Boinet C., Bourasseau L., Bozec Y., Breret M., Breton E., Caparros J., Cariou T., Claquin P., Conan P., Corre A.M., Costes L., Crouvoisier M., Del Amo Y., Derriennic H., Dindinaud F., Duran R., Durozier M., Devesa J., Ferreira S., Feunteun E., Garcia N., Geslin S., Grossteffan E., Gueux A., Guillaudeau J., Guillou G., Jolly O., Lachaussee N., Lafont M., Lagadec V., Lamoureux J., Lauga B., Lebreton B., Lecuyer E., Lehodey J.P., Leroux C., L'Helguen S., Mace E., Maria E., Mousseau L., Nowaczyk A., Pineau P., Petit F., Pujo-Pay M., Raimbault P., Rimmelin-Maury P., Rouaud V., Sauriau P.G., Sultan E., Susperregui N. (2018) Dynamics of particulate organic matter composition in coastal systems: Forcing of spatio-temporal variability at multi-systems scale, Progress in Oceanography, 162, 271-289, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.02.026.
Lienart C., Savoye N., Bozec Y., Breton E., Conan P., David V., Feunteun E., Grangere K., Kerherve P., Lebreton B., Lefebvre S., L'Helguen S., Mousseau L., Raimbault P., Richard P., Riera P., Sauriau P.G., Schaal G., Aubert F., Aubin S., Bichon S., Boinet C., Bourasseau L., Breret M., Caparros J., Cariou T., Charlier K., Claquin P., Cornille V., Corre A.M., Costes L., Crispi O., Crouvoisier M., Czamanski M., Del Amo Y., Derriennic H., Dindinaud F., Durozier M., Hanquiez V., Nowaczyk A., Devesa J., Ferreira S., Fornier M., Garcia F., Garcia N., Geslin S., Grossteffan E., Gueux A., Guillaudeau J., Guillou G., Joly O., Lachaussee N., Lafont M., Lamoureux J., Lecuyer E., Lehodey J.P., Lemeille D., Leroux C., Mace E., Maria E., Pineau P., Petit F., Pujo-Pay M., Rimelin-Maury P., Sultan E. (2017) Dynamics of particulate organic matter composition in coastal systems: A spatio-temporal study at multi-systems scale, Progress in Oceanography, 156, 221-239, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2017.03.001.