Régine MAURY-BRACHET Nom : | Maury-Brachet | | Prénom : | Régine | Statut : | ITRF UBX (Ingénieur de Recherche 2ème classe) | Equipe : | Ecotoxicologie Aquatique
| Adresse : | UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU Station Marine d'Arcachon Université de Bordeaux Place du Docteur Bertrand Peyneau 33120 ARCACHON CEDEX FRANCE | Téléphone(s) : | | E-mail : | regine.maury-brachet@u-bordeaux.fr
Expertise / Responsabilité écotoxicologie, métaux lourds
Publications Maury-Brachet R., Feurtet-Mazel A., Gentes S., Anschutz P., Charbonnier C., Bertrin V., Ribaudo C., Guyoneaud R., Andre J.M., Legeay A. (Sous presse) Lacs aquitains et mercure, In: La chaîne des lacs et étangs du littoral aquitain, édité par L'Agence de l'Eau Adour Garonne. Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux.
Gentes S., Lohrer B., Legeay A., Feurtet-Mazel A., Anschutz P., Charbonnier C., Tessier E., Maury-Brachet R. (2021) Drivers of variability in mercury and methylmercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification in temperate freshwater lakes, Chemosphere, 267, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128890.
Laffont L., Menges J., Goix S., Gentes S., Maury-Brachet R., Sonke J.E., Legeay A., Gonzalez P., Rinaldo R., Maurice L. (2021) Hg concentrations and stable isotope variations in tropical fish species of a gold-mining-impacted watershed in French Guiana, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(43), 60609-60621, doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-14858-7.
Gentes S., Monperrus M., Legeay A., Gassie C., Maury-Brachet R., Andre J.M., Guyoneaud R. (2020) Influence of macrophyte and gut microbiota on mercury contamination in fish: A microcosms study, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(4), doi: 10.3390/app10041500.
Gilfriche P., Andre J.M., Gentes S., Maury-Brachet R., Legeay A., Feurtet-Mazel A., Lespinet-Najib V. (2020) Risk perception and specific behaviors of anglers concerning mercury contamination of fish, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 26, 859-72, doi: 10.1080/10807039.2018.1543541.
Maury-Brachet R., Gentes S., Dassie E.P., Feurtet-Mazel A., Vigouroux R., Laperche V., Gonzalez P., Hanquiez V., Mesmer-Dudons N., Durrieu G., Legeay A. (2020) Mercury contamination levels in the bioindicator piscivorous fish Hoplias aimara in French Guiana rivers: mapping for risk assessment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 17(2), 3624-3636, doi: 10.1007/s11356-018-3983-x.
Canredon A., Anschutz P., Buquet D., Charbonnier C., Amouroux D., Tessier E., Poirier D., Bujan S., Devaux L., Gouillieux B., Gentes S., Legeay A., Feurtet-Mazel A., Galaup S., Maury-Brachet R. (2019) Lake sediment mercury biogeochemistry controlled by sulphate input from drainage basin, Applied Geochemistry, 104, 135-145, doi: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.03.023.
Gentes S., Coquery M., Vigouroux R., Hanquiez V., Allard L., Maury-Brachet R. (2019) Application of the European Water Framework Directive: Identification of reference sites and bioindicator fish species for mercury in tropical freshwater ecosystems (French Guiana), Ecological Indicators, 106, doi: 10.3390/app10041500.
Goix S, Maurice L, Laffont L, Rinaldo R, Lagane C, Chmeleff J, Menges J, Heimburger L.E, Maury-Brachet R., Sonke J.E. (2019) Quantifying the impacts of artisanal gold mining on a tropical river system using mercury isotopes, Chemosphere, 219, 684-694, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.12.036.
Pignoux R., Gourves P.Y., Sow M., Maury-Brachet R. (2019) Imprégnation mercurielle des femmes enceintes de Guyane (Haut Maroni): étude et prévention, Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 31, 37-48, doi: 10.1016/j.toxac.2018.12.002.
Gamain P., Feurtet-Mazel A., Maury-Brachet R., Auby I., Pierron F., Belles A., Budzinski H., Daffe G., Gonzalez P. (2018) Can Pesticides, copper and seasonal water temperature explain the seagrass Zostera noltei decline in the Arcachon bay?, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 134, 66-74, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.10.024.
Baudrimont M., Chelini A., Gourves P.Y., Maury-Brachet R., Legeay A. (2016) On the possibility to produce again oysters Crassostrea gigas in the North Médoc salt marshes (Gironde estuary, Southwestern France): a comparison study of metals bioaccumulation in spats 13 years after, Marine Bulletin Pollution, 111(1-2), 184-193, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.07.012.
Feurtet-Mazel A., Mornet S., Charron L., Mesmer-Dudons N., Maury-Brachet R., Baudrimont M. (2016) Biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles by the living freshwater diatom Eolimna minima, a species developed in river biofilms, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, 4334-4339, doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-4139-x.
Feng C., Pedrero Z., Gentes S., Barre J., Renedo M., Tessier E., Berail S., Maury-Brachet R., Mesmer-Dudons N., Baudrimont M., Legeay A., Maurice L., Gonzalez P., Amouroux D. (2015) Specific pathways of dietary methylmercury and inorganic mercury determined by mercury speciation and isotopic composition in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Environmental Science and Technology, 49, 12984-12993, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03587.
Gentes S., Maury-Brachet R., Feng C., Pedrero Z., Tessier E., Legeay A., Mesmer-Dudons N., Baudrimont M., Maurice L., Amouroux D., Gonzalez P. (2015) Specific effects of dietary methylmercury and inorganic mercury in zebrafish (Danio rerio) determined by genetic, histological, and metallothionein responses, Environmental Science and Technology, 49, 14560-14569, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03586.
Laperche V., Hellal J., Maury-Brachet R., Joseph B., Laporte P., Breeze D., Blanchard F. (2014) Regional distribution of mercury in sediments of the main rivers of French Guiana (Amazonian basin), SpringerPLus, 3, 1-11., doi: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-322.
Gentes S., Maury-Brachet R., Guyoneaud R., Monperrus M., Andre J.M., Davail S., Legeay A. (2013) Mercury bioaccumulation along food webs in temperate aquatic ecosystems colonized by aquatic macrophytes in south western France, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 91, 180-187.
Gentes S., Monperrus M., Legeay A., Maury-Brachet R., Davail S., Andre J.M., Guyoneaud R. (2013) Incidence of invasive macrophytes on methylmercury budget in temperate lakes: Central role of bacterial periphytic communities, Environmental Pollution, 172, 116-123.
Arini A., Feurtet-Mazel A., Maury-Brachet R., Coste M., Delmas F. (2012) Field translocation of diatom biofilms impacted by Cd and Zn to assess decontamination and community restructuring capacities, Ecological Indicators, 18, 520-531.
Arini A., Feurtet-Mazel A., Morin S., Maury-Brachet R., Coste M., Delmas F. (2012) Remediation of a watershed contaminated by heavy metals: A 2-year field biomonitoring of periphytic biofilms, Science of the Total Environment, 425, 242-253.
Bourdineaud J.P., Laclau M., Maury-Brachet R., Gonzalez P., Baudrimont M., Mesmer-Dudons N., Fujimura M., Marighetto A., Godefroy D., Rostene W., Brethes D. (2012) Effects of methylmercury contained in a diet mimicking the Wayana Amerindians contamination through fish consumption: mercury accumulation, metallothionein induction, gene expression variations, and role of the chemokine CCL2, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13, 7710-7738.
Godefroy D., Gosselin R.D., Yasutake A., Fujimura M., Combadiere C., Maury-Brachet R., Laclau M., Rakwal R., Melik-Parsadaniantz S., Bourdineaud J.P., Rostene W. (2012) The chemokine CCL2 protects against methylmercury neurotoxicity, Toxicological Sciences, 125, 209-18.
Daverat F., Tapie N., Quiniou L., Maury Brachet R., Riso R., Eon M., Laroche J., Budzinski H. (2011) Otolith microchemistry interrogation of comparative contamination by Cd, Cu and PCBs of eel and flounder, in a large SW France catchment, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 92, 332-338.
Marusczak M., Larose C., Dommergue A., Paquet S., Beaulne J.S., Maury-Brachet R., Lucotte M., Nedjai R., Ferrari C.P. (2011) Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in high altitude lakes and fish (Arctic charr) from the French Alps related to watershed characteristics, Science of the Total Environment, 409, 1909-1915.
Huguet L., Castelle S., Schafer J., Blanc G., Maury-Brachet R., Reynouard C., Jorand F. (2010) Mercury methylation rates of biofilm and plankton microorganisms from a hydroelectric reservoir in French Guiana, Science of the Total Environment, 408, 1338-1348.
Lucia M., Andre J.M., Gonzalez P., Baudrimont M., Bernadet M.D., Gontier K., Maury-Brachet R., Guy G., Davail S. (2010) Effect of dietary cadmium on lipid metabolism and storage of aquatic bird Cairina moschata, Ecotoxicology, 19, 163-170.
Lucia M., Andre J.M., Gonzalez P., Baudrimont M., Bernadet M.D., Gontier K., Maury-Brachet R., Guy G., Davail S. (2010) Effects of dietary cadmium contamination on bird Anas platyrhynchos - Comparison with species Cairina moschata, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73, 2010-2016.
Lucia M., Andre J.M., Gonzalez P., Baudrimont M., Gontier K., Maury-Brachet R., Davail S. (2009) Impact of cadmium on aquatic bird Cairina moschata, BioMetals, 22, 843-853.
Bourdineaud J.P., Bellance N., Benard G., Brethes D., Fujimura M., Gonzalez P., Marighetto A., Maury-Brachet R., Mormede C., Pedron V., Philippin J.N., Rossignol R., Rostene W., Sawada M., Laclau M. (2008) Feeding mice with diets containing mercury-contaminated fish flesh from French Guiana: a model for the mercurial intoxication of the Wayana Amerindians, Environmental Health and Perspectives, 7, 53.
Lochet A., Maury-Brachet R., Poirier C., Tomas J., Lahaye M., Aprahamian M., Rochard E. (2008) Mercury contamination and life history traits of Allis shad Alosa alosa (Linnaeus, 1758) and Twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacepede, 1803) in the Gironde estuary (South West France), Hydrobiologia, 602, 99-109.
Maury-Brachet R., Rochard E., Durrieu G., Boudou A. (2008) The "storm of the century" (December 1999) and the incidental escape of Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baeri) in the Gironde estuary (SW France): an original bioindicator for metal contamination, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 15(1), 89-94.
Dominique Y., Maury-Brachet R., Muresan B., Vigouroux R., Richard S., Cossa D., Mariotti A., Boudou A. (2007) Biofilm and mercury availability as key factors for mercury accumulation in fish (Curimata cyprinoides) from a disturbed Amazonian freshwater system, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26, 45-52.
Boudou A., Maury-Brachet R., Durrieu G., Coquery M., Dauta C. (2006) Contamination par le mercure de la composante biologique des systèmes aquatiques continentaux de Guyane - Risque à l'égard des populations humaines, Hydroécologie appliquée, 15, 1-18..
Durrieu G., Maury-Brachet R., Rochard E., Girardin M., Boudou A. (2006) Contamination by heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Cu, Hg) of eight fish species in the Gironde Estuary (France), Estuaries , 28, 581-591.
Maury-Brachet R., Durrieu G., Dominique Y., Boudou A. (2006) Mercury distribution in fish organs and food regimes : Significant relationships from twelve species collected in French Guiana (Amazon basin), Science of the Total Environment, 368, 262-270.
Baudrimont M., Schafer J., Marie V., Maury-Brachet R., Bossy C., Boudou A., Blanc G. (2005) Geochemical survey and metal bioaccumulation of three bivalve species (Crassostrea gigas, Cerastoderma edule and Ruditapes philipinarum) in the Nord Médoc salt marshes (Gironde estuary, France), Science of the Total Environment, 337, 265-280.
Boudou A., Maury-Brachet R., Coquery M., Durrieu G., Cossa D. (2005) Synergic effect of gold mining and damming on mercury contamination in fish. , Environmental Science and Technology, 39, 2448-2454.
Durrieu G., Maury-Brachet R., Boudou A. (2005) Goldmining and mercury contamination of the piscivorous fish Hoplias aimara in French Guiana (Amazon Basin), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 60, 315-323.
Dominique Y., Maury-Brachet R., Muresan B., Vigouroux R., Richard S., Cossa D., Mariotti A., Boudou A. (2004) Curimata cyprinoides as a fish model for analysis goldmining and damming effects on mercury contamination of freshwater systems, Materials and Geoenvironment , 51, 954-957.
Boudou A., Maury-Brachet R., Durrieu G., Coquery M., Dauta C. (2003) Chercheurs d'or et contamination par le mercure des systemes aquatiques continentaux de Guyane ò Risques a l'egard des populations humaines, Hydroécologie Appliquée.
Durrieu G., Maury-Brachet R., Boudou A. (2003) Analyse statistique de la contamination des poissons par le mercure en Guyane, Proc. XXXVe Journees de statistiques, 937-940.
Frery N., Maury-Brachet R., Maillot E., Deheeger M., Merona De B., Boudou A. (2001) Goldmining activities and mercury contamination of native amerindian communities in french Guiana: key role of fish in dietary uptake, Environmental Health Perspectives.