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Surname :AugagneurSylvie Augagneur
First Name :Sylvie
Status :ITA CNRS (Ingénieur d'Etudes hors classe)
Thematic Teams(s) :L'équipe Physico et Toxico Chimie de l'environnement
Address :UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU
Equipe LPTC
Université de Bordeaux
Bâtiment A12, 2ème étage ouest
351 Cours de la Libération
Telephone :+33 5 40 00 28 67
E-mail :sylvie.augagneur@u-bordeaux.fr

Expertise / Responsabilities
Responsable technique de Systèmes de Chromatographie en phase liquide et Spectrométrie de masse (plateforme PLATINE)

- Coordination technique et administrative de la cellule de transfert (CDTA).
- Responsable de systèmes de chromatographie en phase liquide et Spectrométrie de masse (LC/MS) au sein de la plateforme PLATINE.
- Conduite de projets de chromatographie en phase liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse.
- ITA référent site A12 : gestion des infrastructures EPOC au sein du bâtiment A12.

Hubas C., Monti D., Mortillaro J.M., Augagneur S., Carbon A., Duran R., Karama S., Meziane T., Pardon P., Risser T., Tapie N., Thiney N., Budzinski H., Lauga B. (2022) Chlordecone-contaminated epilithic biofilms show increased adsorption capacities, Science of the Total Environment, 825, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153942.

Duporte G., Flaud P.M., Kammer J., Geneste E., Augagneur S., Pangui E., Lamkaddam H., Gratien A., Doussin J.F., Budzinski H., Villenave E., Perraudin E. (2020) Experimental study of the formation of organosulfates from α-pinene oxidation. 2. Time evolution and effect of particle acidity, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124(2), 409-421, doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b07156.

Le Coadou L., Le Menach K., Labadie P., Devier M.H., Pardon P., Augagneur S., Budzinski H. (2017) Quality survey of natural mineral water and spring water sold in France: Monitoring of hormones, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, perfluoroalkyl substances, phthalates, and alkylphenols at the ultra-trace level, Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.11.174.

Cailleaud K., Budzinski H., Lardy S., Augagneur S., Barka S., Souissi S., Forget-Leray J. (2011) Uptake and elimination, and effect of estrogen-like contaminants in estuarine copepods: An experimental study, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 18, 226-236.

Xuereb B., Bezin L., Chaumot A., Budzinski H., Augagneur S., Tutundjian R., Garric J., Geffard O. (2011) Vitellogenin-like gene expression in freshwater amphipod Gammarus fossarum (Koch, 1835): functional characterization in females and potential for use as an endocrine disruption biomarker in males, Ecotoxicology, 20, 1286-1299.

Cailleaud K., Souissi S., Augagneur S., Lardy S., Budzinski H., Forget-Leray J. (2008) Experimental study of the transfert and effects of potentially endocrine disrupting substances using Eurytemora affinis as test organism, Marine Environmental Research, 66, 121-125.

Cailleaud K., Forget-Leray J., Souissi S., Lardy S., Augagneur S., Budzinski H. (2007) Seasonal variation of hydrophobic organic contaminant concentrations in the water-column of the seine Estuary and their transfert to a planktonic species Eurytemora affinis (Calanoïd, copepod). Part 2: Alkylphenol-polyethoxylates, Chemosphere, 70, 281-287.

Cachot J., Geffard O., Augagneur S., Lacroix S., Le Menach K., Peluhet L., Devier M.H., Couteau J., Pottier D., Budzinski H. (2006) Evidence of genotoxicity associated to high PAH content of sediments in the upper part of the Seine estuary (Normandy, France), Aquatic Toxicology, 79, 257-267.

Rocher B., Le Goff J., Le Menach K., Briand M., Manduzio H., Peluhet L., Devier M.H., Gricourt L., Augagneur S., Budzinski H., Pottier D., Andre V., Lebailly P., Cachot J. (2006) Genotoxicant accumulation and cellular defence activation in bivalves chronically exposed to waterborne contaminants from the Seine River, Aquatic Toxicology, 79, 65-77.

Devier M.H., Augagneur S., Budzinski H., Le Menach K., Mora P., Narbonne J.F., Garrigues P. (2005) One-year monitoring survey of organic compounds (PAHs, PCBs, TBT), heavy metal and biomarkers in blue mussels from the Arcachon Bay, France, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 7, 224-240.

Thomas J., Augagneur S., Rochard E. (2005) Discrimination of the natal origin of young-of-the-year Allis shad (Alosa alosa) in the Garonne-Dordogne basin (south-west France) using otolith chemistry, Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 14, 185-190.

UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU - Université de Bordeaux
Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire - CS 50023 - 33615 PESSAC CEDEX - FRANCE

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