overall theme of my research is working on red-ox processes in natural
marine environments, at the interface between geochemistry and biology,
to understand early diagenesis, sedimentary geochemical records, and
biogeochemistry in coastal environments.
Cesbron F., Metzger E., Launeau P., Deflandre B., Delgard M.L.,
Thibault de Chanvalon A., Geslin E., Anschutz P., and
Jézéquel D. (2014) Simultaneous 2D imaging of
dissolved iron and reactive phosphorus in sediment pore-waters by
thin-film and hyperspectral methods. Environmental Science &
Technology DOI: 10.1021/es40472
Garcia J, M. Mojtahid, E. Michel, R. Schiebel, C. Charbonnier, P.
Anschutz, H., Howa (2013) Benthic and planktic foraminifera of the last
12.8 cal ka BP in the southeastern Bay of Biscay Paleoenvironmental
implications. Acta Protozoologica 52, 161-180
- Delgard M.L., Deflandre B., Deborde J., Charbonnier C.,
P. (2013) Changes in nutrient biogeochemistry in response to the
regression of Zostera noltii meadows in the Arcachon bay (France).
Aquatic geochemistry 19, 241-259
- Charbonnier C., Anschutz P., Poirier D., Bujan S., Lecroart
(2013) Aerobic respiration in a high-energy sandy beach. Marine
Chemistry 155, 10-21
- Charbonnier C., Anschutz P., Deflandre B., Poirier D.,
Bujan S.,
Lecroart P. (2013) Influence of physical forcing on pore water
properties of a tidal sandy beach (Truc Vert, France). Proceeding of
the XIII Coastal Dynamics conference, Paper 033., 9 pp
- Bouchet S. D. Amouroux, P. Rodriguez-Gonzalez, E.
Tessier, M. Monperrus, G Thouzeau, J. Clavier, E. Amice, J. Deborde, S.
Bujan, J. Grall, P. Anschutz. in press. MMHg production and export from
intertidal sediments to the water column of a tidal lagoon (Arcachon
Bay, France). Biogeochemistry
- Bouchet S., P. Rodriguez-Gonzalez, R. Bridou, M. Monperrus,
E. Tessier, P. Anschutz, R. Guyonneaud, D. Amouroux. Investigations
into the differential reactivity of endogenous and exogenous mercury
species in coastal sediments. Environmental Science and Pollution
Research, sous presse
- Anschutz P., A. Ciutat, P. Lecroart, M. Gérino,
and A. Boudou (2012) Effects of Tubificid worm bioturbation on
sediment biogeochemistry. Aquatic Geochemistry 18 475-497
- Chassagne R., Lecroart P., Beaugendre H., Capo S., Parisot
JP, Anschutz P. 2012. Silicic acid flux to the ocean from tidal
permeable sediments: a modeling approach. Computer and Geosciences 43,
- Canton M., Anschutz P., Savoye N., Deborde J., Polsenaere
P., Bujan S. (2012) Assessment of the buffering capacity of a small
on nutrient fluxes originating from the watershed (Leyre estuary, SW
France). Estuarine Coastal Shelf Sciences 99, 171-181
- Delgard M.L, Deflandre B., Metzger E., Nuzzio D., Capo S.,
Mouret A., Anschutz P. 2012. In situ study of the effect of tidal
forcing on
biogeochemical processes in intertidal permeable sediments of the
Arcachon lagoon. Hydrobiologia 699, 69-84
- Devault, D.A., Delmotte S., Dolfing J., Anschutz P. How
early diagenesis reveals in situ biodegradation of herbicides in
sediment.Chapter 22 in A. Kortekamp (ed.) “Herbicides and
Environment”, InTech online, pp 443-468
- Canton, M., P. Anschutz, A. Coynel, P. Polsenaere, I.
Auby, and D. Poirier. 2012. Nutrient export to an eastern atlantic
coastal zone: First modeling and nitrogen mass balance.
Biogeochemistry, 107, 361–377
- Vicquelin L., Leray-Forget J., Pehulet L., LeMenach K.,
Deflandre B.,
Anschutz P., Etcheber H., Morin B., Budzinski H., Cachot J. 2011. A new
spiked sediment assay using embryos of the Japanese medaka specifically
designed for a reliable toxicity assessment of hydrophobic chemicals.
Aquatic Toxicology 105, 235-245
- Goineau A., Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J., Lansard B.,
Buscail R., Mouret A., Kerhervé P., Zaragosi S., Ernoult E.,
Artéro C., Rabouille C., Anschutz P., Metzger E. 2011
(stained) benthic foraminifera from the Rhône prodelta (Gulf
of Lion, NW Mediterranean): environmental controls on a river-dominated
shelf. Journal of Sea Research 65, 58-75.
- Lecroart P., Maire O., Schmidt S., Grémare A.,
Anschutz P.,Meysman F. 2010. Bioturbation and short lived
radioisotopes. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta. 74, 6049-6063
- Javanaud C., Guasco S., Michotey V.D., Garcia N., Anschutz
P., Canton M., Bonin P.C. 2011. Coupling between Manganese and Nitrogen
cycle. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation Mn-oxide mediated, from sediment to
strain level. Research in Microbiology 162, 849-857
- Canton M., Anschutz P., Naudet V., Poirier D., Naessens F.,
Francecshi M., Molnar N., Mouret A. 2010. Impact of a solid waste
disposal on
nutrient dynamics in a sandy catchment. Journal of Contaminant
Hydrology. 116, 1-15.
- Deborde J., Anschutz P., Guérin F., Poirier
D., Marty D., Boucher G., Thouzeau G., Canton M., Abril G. 2010 Methane
sinks, and atmospheric fluxes in a temperate tidal lagoon (Arcachon
Bay, France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf 57, 528-540
Sciences. 89, 256-266.
- Abril G., Marc- Commarieu V., Etcheber H., Zivadinovic
M.K., Chaillou G., Deborde J. Anschutz P. 2010. In vitro simulation of
oxic-suboxic diagenesis in an estuarine fluid mud submitted to redox
oscillations. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences. 88, 279-291.
- Griveaud, C., Jorissen, F., Anschutz, P. 2010 Spatial
variability of live benthic foraminiferal faunas on the portuguese
margin Micropaleontology, 56 (3-4), pp. 297-322.
- Mojtahid M., Griveaud C., Fontanier C., Anschutz P.,
Jorissen FJ. 2010 Live benthic foraminiferal faunas along a
bathymetrical transect (140–4800 m) in the Bay of Biscay (NE
Atlantic) Revue de Micropaléontologie 53, 139-162
- Mouret A., Anschutz P., Deflandre B., Chaillou G.,
Hyacinthe C., Deborde J., Etcheber H., Jouanneau J.M.,
Grémare A., Lecroart P. 2010 Oxygen and organic carbon
fluxes in
sediments of the Bay of Biscay. Deep Sea Research, Part I. 57, 528-540.
- Mouret A., Anschutz P., Chaillou G., Hyacinthe C., Deborde
J., Lecroart, P., Jorissen F., Deflandre B., Schmidt S., Jouanneau J.M.
2009 Benthic geochemistry of manganese in the Bay of Biscay, and
the sediment accumulation rate. GeoMarine Letters 29:133–149
- Schmidt S., Howa H., Mouret A., Lombard F., Anschutz P.,
Labeyrie L. 2009. Particle fluxes and recent sediment accumulation on
the Aquitanian margin of Bay of Biscay Continental Shelf Research, 29,
- Anschutz P. Chaillou 2009. Deposition and fate of reactive
Fe, Mn, P and C in suspended particulate matter in the Bay of Biscay.
Continental Shelf Research 29, 1038-1043.
- Anschutz P., Smith T., Mouret, A., Deborde J., Bujan S.,
Poirier D., Lecroart P. 2009. Tidal sands as biogeochemical reactors
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences 84, 84-90.
- Chaillou G.,
Schäfer J., Anschutz P., Blanc G. Mobility of Mo, U, As, and
Sb within modern turbidites. 2008 Marine Geology 254, 171-179
- Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J., Lansard B., Mouret A., Buscail
R., Schmidt S., Kerhervé P., Buron F, Zaragosi S., Ernoult
E., Artero C., Anschutz P., Rabouille C. (2008) Live foraminifera
from the open slope between Grand Rhône and Petit
Rhône Canyons (Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean). Deep-Sea
Res. 55,
- Deborde J., Abril G., Mouret A., Jezequel D., Thouzeau G.,
J. Clavier, Bachelet G., Anschutz P. 2008 Effects of seasonal dynamics
impact of a Zostera noltii meadow on phosphorus and iron cycles in a
tidal mudflat (Arcachon Bay, France). Marine Ecology Progress
Series 355, 59-71
- Deborde J., Anschutz P., Gle C., Commarieu M.V., Lecroart
P., I. Auby,
D. Maurer, Abril G. Sediment-Water exchanges at low tide in a mesotidal
lagoon: the Arcachon Bay (France). Marine Chemistry 109, 98-114.
- Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J., Michel E., Cortijo E., Vidal
L., and
Anschutz P. 2008 Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes of Live Benthic
Foraminifera from a Lower Canyon Station (2800 m, Bay of Biscay).
Journal of Foraminiferal Research 38, 39-51
- Chaillou
G., Anschutz P.
Dubrulle C., Lecroart P.
Experimental study of transient diagenesis in modern turbidites.
Aquatic Geochemistry 13, 157–172.
- Dedieu K., C. Rabouille, F.
Gilbert, K. Soetaert, E. Metzger, C. Simonucci, D. Jezequel, F. Prevot,
P. Anschutz, S. Hulth Coupling of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen cycles
in sediments from a Mediterranean lagoon : a seasonal perspective.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 346, 45-59.
- Lecroart P., Schmidt S.,
Anschutz P., Jouanneau J.M.,
Modeling sensitivity of biodiffusion coefficient to seasonal
Journal of Marine Research 65, 417-440.
- Deborde J., Anschutz P.
Chaillou G., Etcheber H.,
Commarieu M.V., Lecroart P., Abril G. (2007) The dynamics of phosphorus
in turbid estuaries : Example of the Gironde estuary (France). In
press, Limnology and Oceanography, 52(2)
- Anschutz P., G. Chaillou, P.
Lecroart. (2007) Phosphorus diagenesis in the sediment of the Thau
Lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal, Shelf Sciences 72, 448-457
- Rabouille C. , F. Prevot, D.
Amouroux, P. Anschutz, F. Gilbert and D. Cossa (2007) Introductory
paper :
Biogeochemistry and the mobility of contaminants : the MICROBENT
program. Estuarine, Coastal, Shelf Sciences,72, 200-207
- Masson M., Schafer J.,
Blanc G., Anschutz P.,(2007) Temperature-dependent dissolved arsenic
variations in three contrasting watersheds: seasonal variations and
annual fluxes in the Garonne,
Dordogne and Isle Rivers. in press Science of the Total Environment
- Coulibaly A., Anschutz P.,
Blanc G., Malaizé B. Pujol C., Fontanier C.(2006) The effect
paleo-oceanographic changes on the sedimentary recording of
hydrothermal activity in the Red Sea during the last 30 000 years. Mar.
Geol.226, 51-64.
- Fontanier C., Mackensen A.,
Jorissen F, Anschutz P., Licari L. and David C. (2006) Stable Oxygen
Carbon Isotopes of Live Benthic Foraminifera from the Bay of Biscay:
Microhabitat Impact and Seasonal Variability. Marine
Micropaleontology,58, 159-183.
- Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J.,
Anschutz P, Chaillou G. (2006) Seasonal variability of benthic
faunas at 1000 metre depth in the Bay of Biscay. in press Journal of
Foraminiferal Research, 36, 61-76.
- Langezaal A.M., Jorissen
F.J., Braun B., Chaillou G.,
Fontanier C., Anschutz P., van der Zwaan G.J.(2006) Benthic-pelagic
coupling: interactions of sinking organic matter, bioturbation,
bacterial mediated redox zones and foraminiferal responses at the outer
shelf of the Bay of Biscay.
Continental Shelf Research 26, 1730-1755.
- Chaillou G., Anschutz P.,
Blanc G. (2006) The behaviour of rare earth elements in the modern
sediments of the Bay of Biscay. Mar. Chem. 100, 39-52.
- Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J.,
Chaillou G., Anschutz P, Grémare A., Griveaud C. (2005) Live
foraminiferal faunas from a 2800 m deep lower canyon station from the
Bay of Biscay : Faunal response to focussing of refractory organic
matter. Deep-Sea Res. I. 53, 1189-1227
- Anschutz P., Dedieu K.,
Desmazes F., Chaillou G. (2005) Solid speciation, oxidation state,
and reactivity of manganese in marine sediments. Chem. Geol.281,
- Grémare A., D.
Guttierez, P. Anschutz, Amouroux J.M., B. Deflandre, G.
Vétion (2005), Spatio-temporal changes in totally and
enzymatically hydrolysable amino acids of superficial sediments from
three contrasted areas. Progress in Oceanography,65, 89-111.
- Ciutat A., Gerino M., N.
Mesmer-Dudons, Anschutz P., Boudou A. (2005) Cadmium bioaccumulation
in Tubificidae from the water column source and effects on bioturbation
activity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 60, 237-246.
- Ciutat A. , Anschutz P.,
Gerino M., Boudou A.. (2005) Bioturbation effects by Tubificids worms
on cadmium transfers from the water column to the sediments
compartment. sous presse à Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry,24, 1048-1058.
- Mortimer R.J.G, Harris S.J.,
Krom M.D., Freitag T., Prosser J.I., Barnes J., Anschutz P., Hayes P.,
and Davies I.M. (2004) Anoxic nitrification in marine sediments. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 276, 37-51.
- Mulder T., Cirac P., Gaudin
M., Bourillet J.-F., Tranier J., Normand A., Weber O., Griboulard R.,
Jouanneau J.-M., Anschutz P., Jorissen F.J. (2004) Understanding
Continent-Ocean sediment transfer. EOS, 85, 257, 261-262.
- Gonthier E.,
Faugères J.C., Viana A., Figueiredo A., Anschutz P. (2003)
Upper quaternary deposits of the Sao Tome deep-sea channel-levee system
(South Brazilian Basin) : major turbidite versus contourite processes.
Marine Geology, 199, 159-180.
- Chaillou G.,
J., Anschutz P., Lavaux G., Blanc G. (2003) The distribution of arsenic
in the muddy sediments of the Bay of Biscay, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta.
67, 2993-3003.
- Reichart G.J., Jorissen F.,
Anschutz P., Mason P. (2003) Single forminiferal test chemistry records
the marine environment. Geology, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 355–358.
- Fontanier, C., Jorissen,
David, C., Anschutz, P., Chaillou, G., Lafon, V. (2003) Seasonal and
interannual variability of benthic foraminiferal faunas at a 550 m
depth in the Bay of Biscay. Deep Sea Res. I., 50, 457-494.
- Anschutz P., Jorissen F.J.,
Chaillou G., Abu-Zaied R.,, Fontanier C. (2002) Recent turbidite
deposition in the eastern Atlantic: early diagenesis and biotic
recovery . J. Mar. Res.. 60 (6), 835-854.
- Chaillou G., Anschutz P.,
Lavaux G., Schäfer J., Blanc G. (2002) The distribution of U,
Mo, and Cd in modern marine sediments. Mar. Chem., 80, 41-59.
- Donnadieu Y., Lecroart P.,
Anschutz P., Bertrand Ph. (2002) Bias in the paleoceanographic time
series: tests with a numerical model of U, Corg and Al burial.
Palaeoceanography, 17, 3, 10.1029/2001PA000638
- Fontanier C., Jorissen F.J.,
Licari L., Alexandre A., Anschutz P. et Carbonel P. (2002) Live benthic
foraminiferal faunas from the Bay of Biscay : Faunal density,
composition, and microhabitats. Deep Sea Res.I , 49, 751-785.
- Mulder T., O. Weber, P.
Anschutz, F.J. Jorissen and J.-M. Jouanneau (2001). A few months-old
storm-generated turbidite deposited in the Capbreton Canyon (Bay of
Biscay, S-W France). GeoMarine Letters 21, 149-156.
- Hyacinthe C., Anschutz P.,
Carbonel P., Jouanneau J.M., Jorissen F.J. (2001) Early diagenetic
processes in the muddy sediments of the Bay of Biscay. Mar. Geol. 177,
- Anschutz P., Blanc G.,
C., Boulègue J. (2000) Geochemical dynamics of the Atlantis
II Deep (Red Sea). II: Pore water composition of metalliferous
sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 3995-4006.
- Anschutz P., Sundby B.,
LeFrançois L., Luther G.W. III, Mucci A. (2000)
Interactions between metal oxides and the species of nitrogen and
iodine in bioturbated marine sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64,
- Blanc G., Lapaquellerie Y.,
Maillet N., Anschutz P. (1999) A cadmium budget for the Lot-Garonne
fluvial system (France). Hydrobiologia 410, 331-341.
- Anschutz P., Hyacinthe C.,
Carbonel P., Jouanneau J.M., Jorissen F.J. (1999) La distribution du
phosphore inorganique dans les sédiments modernes du Golfe
de Gascogne. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris 328, 765-771.
- Anschutz P., Blanc G.,
F, Geiller M., Pierret M.-C. (1999) Hydrographic change during 20
years in the brine-filled basins of the Red Sea. Deep-Sea Res. I, 46,
- Anschutz, P., Turner, J. S.
and Blanc, G. (1998) The development of layering, fluxes through
double-diffusive interfaces, and location of hydrothermal sources of
brines in the Atlantis II Deep: Red Sea. Journal of Geophysical
Research. 103, C12, 27809-27819.
- Anschutz, P., Zhong, A.,
Sundby, B., Mucci, A., and Gobeil, C. (1998) Burial efficiency of
phosphorus and the geochemistry of iron in continental margin
sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 43(1) 53-64.
- Blanc G., Anschutz P.,
Pierret M.C. (1998) Metalliferous sedimentation into the Atlantis II
Deep: A geochemical insight. In: Sedimentation and tectonics of rift
basins: Red Sea-Gulf of Aden. B.H. Purser and D.W.J.Bosence (eds.),
Chapman Hall, pp. 505-520.
- Anschutz P., Blanc G.,
(1996) Heat and salt fluxes in the Atlantis II Deep (Red Sea). Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett. 142, 147-159.
- Blanc G., Anschutz P. (1995)
New hydrographic situation in the Atlantis II Deep hydrothermal brine
system. Geology, 23, 543-546.
- Anschutz P., Blanc G. (1995)
Geochemical dynamics of the Atlantis II Deep (Red Sea): Silica
behavior. Mar. Geol. 128, 25-36
- Anschutz P., Blanc G.,
Stille P. (1995) Origin of fluids and the evolution of the Atlantis II
Deep hydrothermal system (Red Sea): Sr isotope study. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta. 59, 4799-4808.
- Anschutz P., Blanc G. (1995)
Chemical mass balances in metalliferous deposits from the Atlantis II
Deep (Red Sea). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59, 4205-4218.
- Anschutz P., Blanc G. (1995)
Diagenetic evolution of the DOP facies from the Atlantis II Deep (Red
Sea): Evidence of early hydrothermal activity. Oceanol. Acta, 18,
- Anschutz P., Blanc G. (1993)
Le rapport NaCl/eau des boues minéralisées de la
fosse Atlantis II (mer Rouge). Calcul de la teneur en halite des
sédiments et implication sur la
paléotempérature du milieu. C. R. Acad. Sci.,
Paris, série II, 317, p.1595-1600.
- Anschutz P., Blanc G. (1993)
L'histoire sédimentologique de la fosse Atlantis II (mer
Rouge). Les apports de la micropaléontologie. C. R. Acad.
Sci., Paris, série II, 317, p. 1303-1308.